Writing & Research

Ground Rules for Online Discussion

There are some ground rules that you should follow when participating in discussion boards. 

Read more at Ground Rules for Online Discussion.

Online Netiquette

Online student success begins with netiquette. These are the do’s and don’ts of online communication, covering common courtesy and student conduct expectations in the online classroom.

Read more at SJNY Online Netiquette.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

Applying for a Graduate Program? Congratulations on an impressive next step! You’re going to need a high-quality letter of recommendation that highlights your best academic achievements. 

Read more at How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation.

How to Avoid Plagiarism

As you know, writing is a huge component to online learning. On a weekly basis you are contributing to discussion boards, completing written assignments, and preparing essays.  Processing information in your own words, in a clear and concise written form, shows your understanding of the material you are learning online. Sometimes plagiarism is unintentional due to a lack of understanding. Unintentional or not, there are very serious consequences to academic dishonesty. 

Read more at How to Avoid Plagiarism