Online Learning

SJNY Online Course Expectations

Are you enrolled in a Full-term, Cycle, Intersession, or Summer class? Here is information on what to expect in terms of pacing, workload, and time commitment. We also included some tips for online student success.

Read more at SJNY Online Course Expectations.

12 Tips for Online Student Success

This is a great time to check-in and reflect on your progress thus far. In the spirit of student success, here are some helpful tips from your SJNY Online Team to keep you at the top of your game. 

Read more at 12 Tips for Online Student Success.

What Kind of Learner Are You?

Everyone processes information differently. This has an effect on how we learn or more specifically how we prefer to learn. World renowned educator Neil Fleming refers to these learning modes as VARK. 

Read more at What Kind of Learner Are You?

How to Prepare for Online Classes

Prepare yourself for your online classes by following these tips.

Read more at How to Prepare for Your Online Classes.

Online Netiquette

Online student success begins with netiquette. These are the do’s and don’ts of online communication, covering common courtesy and student conduct expectations in the online classroom.

Read more at SJNY Online Netiquette.

Ground Rules for Online Discussion

There are some ground rules that you should follow when participating in discussion boards.  

Read more at Ground Rules for Online Discussion.

Student Support & Resources

SJNY provides support and resources for student success. 

Read more at Student Support & Resources.

Steps to Register

These are some helpful steps for registering for classes. 

Read more at Steps to Register.

How to be Successful in Cycle B 

LI Quick Facts on Dual Degree 

SJNY Online Tips: