Time Management

SJNY Online Course Expectations

Are you enrolled in a Full-term, Cycle, Intersession, or Summer class? Here is information on what to expect in terms of pacing, workload, and time commitment. We also included some tips for online student success.

Read more at SJNY Online Course Expectations

How to Stop Procrastinating

For online students, procrastination can happen for several reasons. Unfortunately, even just a small delay in completing work can have a big impact on your ability to catch up. This can make your online learning experience unnecessarily stressful. Here are some tips to avoid putting off assignments and to help you stay on time with your tasks. 

Read more at How to Stop Procrastinating.

Time Chunking 101

Time chunking is the practice of arranging hours of your day into chunks of time blocked out to achieve specific tasks. It’s a more efficient way to work compared to multitasking. This is because multitasking is a division of time, energy, and focus requiring frequent starting, stopping, and set up for each task. 

Read more at Time Chunking 101.

SJNY Online Tips: